TRUE OR FALSE. Does biodynamic cultivation really produce better wines?


Video duration:
2 min


Article written by

franceinfo – L. Brisson, M. Petitjean, B. Jequel, P. Minet

France Televisions

Many winegrowers decide to cultivate according to the precepts of biodynamics. But does the method, based on beliefs, really make it possible to obtain better quality wines?

A few kilometers from Bordeaux (Gironde)80 hectares of vines are cultivated organically with the principles of biodynamics at Château Smith Haut Lafitte. The principles are based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. The latter founded theanthroposophya school of thought that mixes natural methods and esoteric beliefs. In the wine sector, farmers make all kinds of preparations, based on plants or cow manure, to fertilize the soil.

No scientific proof

The mixture is sprayed on the vines. The process is supposed to strengthen the plant’s internal defenses. The pruning of the vine is then done according to the position of the moon. Generally, we do this on a waning moon.”indicates Florence Cathiardthe owner of the castle. However, she is critical of certain processes that she considers too mystical, such as, for example, using animal organs to revive the earth.

This is the whole criticism of biodynamics: a method based on beliefs, without scientific proof of effectiveness. This is the conclusion of researcher Linda Chalker Scottwhich compiled all the studies carried out on the subject. “HAS To date, biodynamic preparations do not present clear, consistent, or conclusive effects.she says. The observation is the same regarding the effects of the moon on the vines.

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