Video length: 3 mins.
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The new media Omerta presents itself as a media without bias. But this medium has in fact clear ideological positions, in particular on the role of Russia in the war in Ukraine.
New to the media landscape, omerta presents itself as an investigative and reporting medium without ideological bias. In his paper version, Arno Klarsfeld assumes that Ukraine is not innocent of the war. A few pages later, another article asserts that the Western media are propagandizing in favor of Ukraine. To promote his media, Charles d’Anjou is interviewed several times on Russian television, reiterating this opinion. Régis Le Sommier, former senior reporter at Paris Match and managing editor ofomertacontinues to assert that the media is neutral.
Clear positions
But this is not the only subject: André Bercoff, host of South Radio regularly pinned for spreading false information, also hosts a weekly program there. He invited Alexandra Henrion-Claude, who multiplied the false declarations on the Covid. Some articles are misleading, such as the one on the alleged decriminalization of zoophilia in Spain. During a report taking up the theory of the “great replacement” in Tunisia, Farid Smahi, former frontist adviser from Île-de-France, is presented as a simple citizen. omerta says itself without bias, but it is a medium with clear ideological positions.