Trial of Dominico Scarfo | “My brother wanted to kill everyone”

It is an Andrew Scoppa angry with his brother, on his guard and with a disillusioned appearance that met in the fall of 2019 Dominico Scarfo, who has been undergoing a jury trial for three weeks for the murders of two lieutenants of the Montreal Mafia committed in 2016.

Posted at 5:21 p.m.

Daniel Renaud

Daniel Renaud
The Press

According to the Prosecution theory, the murders of Lorenzo Giordano and Rocco Sollecito would have been committed at the request of Salvatore Scoppa, leader of a Calabrian clan breaking away from the Sicilian clan.

A former organized crime hitman – whose identity cannot be revealed – took part in the May 2016 murder of Rocco Sollecito in Laval and became a civil undercover agent (ACI) for the Sûreté du Québec three years later .

Claiming that his brother Salvatore had not paid all the sums promised for these murders, the mole organized a meeting with Andrew Scoppa on September 10, 2019, at which Dominico Scarfo was also present.

ACI wore a portable recording device and recorded Scoppa and Scarfo, without their knowledge. The jurors have been listening to these conversations for three days.

A complete mess

“My brother wanted to kill everyone. He had a different mentality, he wasn’t stable and he wasn’t down to earth. He had lost his mind and if he had listened to me, it would have been different (an other ball game),” Andrew Scoppa told his two visitors, adding that he had nothing to do with it.

“I told him that his armored car was worth nothing,” continued the former hitman in the pay of the police.

“Where was his armored car on May 4? asked Andrew Scoppa ironically, saying he wished his brother was now at peace.

Scarfo and the ACI have shown up at Scoppa’s residence and the latter seems on his guard. He asks the two men how they got his address. He wonders about the fact that no police officer observes them, while the investigators have been following him “for three months”.

ACI dressed in a way that Andrew Scoppa doesn’t believe he’s “dressed up” (dressed), which in criminal parlance means carrying a weapon. “I know how people act when there is a hit says Scoppa.

He says he doesn’t know what’s going on, doesn’t talk to anyone, see anyone and doesn’t go anywhere, including the gym, because “there are a lot of problems”. He says he is unable to “visualize the chessboard”. He announces to the two men that his house is for sale and that he is leaving.

“There are too many stories and lies (bullshit). Too many daggers in the back. Bro, the city is a complete mess. Steve Sauce, everyone says he’s dying and he’s not, that’s bullshit. Elders told me: Andrew, forget it. With this new generation, there are too many betrayals “, describes Scoppa, speaking of the mafia.

Andrew Scoppa also talks about a certain Victor who he says is not involved in the events of 2016.

“Vic, the only thing is he doesn’t want to get involved in anybody’s bullshit. You know he has money, he doesn’t want to be involved. I don’t blame the guy. But he’s not going to get involved in this shit. He just wanted to be left alone. He wanted to make peace with everyone and that’s it,” Scoppa says.

The encounter ends when Scoppa tells the two men not to come back to his house and that he will message them in a week or two.

Jurors do not know who Andrew and Salvatore Scoppa are at this time.

The trial continues Friday with the continuation of the listening to the recordings made by the mole.

To reach Daniel Renaud, dial 514 285-7000, ext. 4918, write to [email protected] or write to the postal address of The Press.

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