Treats for sexual favors! New scandal in an adventure game …

Thunder clap in Koh Lanta Tuesday, November 9, 2021! During the eleventh episode of the All Stars edition currently airing and baptized Koh-Lanta, The Legend, a cheating has been exposed. While he was preparing to play his first confrontation on the island of the banished against Christelle and Alexandra, Teheiura was finally deprived of it. The iconic adventurer confessed to having eaten twice, off camera. A serious breach of the rules of the game. In the process, Maud, former candidate of Koh Lanta, swung that there was already cheating in the show in 2002. Now, it’s a whole other controversy that arises …

Friday, November 12, 2021, on the show Media Inside of NPO 3, host Britt Dekker made a shattering revelation. Indeed, she announced that during the filming of Survivor (Robinson Expedition), the Koh Lanta Dutch, a cameraman had made indecent proposals to the candidates. According to the host, he allegedly offered Mars brand chocolate bars in exchange for sexual favors ! Britt Dekker has this information from an anonymous witness. This is a friend of hers who was on the survival show himself. The identity of this apprentice Robinson is not revealed, in order that he is not splashed by the scandal.

A shocking announcement that untied the tongues. On social networks, several Dutch personalities have indicated that they have already heard of this story, dating from several years ago. For its part, the RTL channel, which broadcasts Survivor (Robinson Expedition) in the Netherlands, assures to have never been aware of such acts. Even more, she specifies that there is “always several members of the team present“during filming and a cameraman cannot be alone with the candidates.”We checked with the producer and this story is totally unknown to him. Neither have we heard of such acts, says a spokesperson for the channel. But if one of the candidates has already had such an experience, we ask him to come forward. We have extensive protocols for this and we will certainly look into it.

To be continued …

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