treated as a “big cow”, the daughter of Jean-Pierre Pernaut cries out in anger

On March 2, 2022, Jean-Pierre Pernaut died at the age of 71 following lung cancer. Since the departure of her husband, Nathalie Marquay sometimes communicates on social networks. On March 30, the former beauty queen shared, for example, her sadness with her followers. “I receive hundreds of letters a day. So thank you, thank you for your support which warms my heart. My heart is so sad. I kiss you”, she wrote.

Unsurprisingly, the pain is also still immense for Lou Pernaut, the daughter of the former star journalist of the TF1 newscast. The 19-year-old influencer is trying somehow to recover from this terrible ordeal and does not lack share with her followers the various emotions that run through her. Last May, she returned to her father’s funeral and filmed herself on the title “Only Love Can Hurt Like This” by Paloma Faith. “When at church my best friend came to see me and that was the only time I really screamed in pain that day,” she had on the video.

This weekend, the daughter of Jean-Pierre Pernaut split with a real rant against certain comments and in particular a dishonest who called him a “big cow”. “Don’t be surprised if I never show my full body on TikTok or struggle to make Instagram posts. You block me so much in all my damn projects, I just want to enjoy my life without your fucking judgment H24. Even on TV, even in interviews, even in stories, even in DMs, even in comments”, she blurted out. Like a cry from the heart.

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