Tours FC and the Joué-lès-Tours club will share the Cher Valley stadium this season

This season, there will be matches every weekend at the Vallée du Cher stadium : Tours FC, finally in National 3, and the recently renamed FC Tours Joué Métropole, in Regional 1, will alternate each week. The city of Tours gave its agreement in principle to the Jocondien club at the beginning of July, before the signing of an agreement in October.

We take nothing away from Tours FC.
– Éric Thomas, deputy mayor of Tours in charge of sports

“We allow these two teams to have a legitimate ambitionassures Eric Thomas. We do not take anything away from Tours FC, it will benefit as every year from all the training grounds they have requested.“He adds that two new pitches are under construction and changing rooms are being renovated, an investment of 1.5 million euros.

Accepting the arrival of the Jocondien club is a way of pushing Tours FC towards the exit according to its president, Jean-Marc Ettori: “a skewer of pseudo-elite Touraine has decided to liquidate the club and is doing everything to ensure that it is completely wiped out and files for bankruptcy”.

“The land is municipal and it’s not him [Jean-Marc Ettori] who decidesreplies Eric Thomas, and, I repeat, we take nothing away from Tours FC.” FC Tours Joué Métropole will play every other week at the Vallée du Cher stadium but will continue to train at Joué-lès-Tours.

I don’t see how a club as small as Joué-lès-Tours will have enough to pay.
– Jean-Marc Ettori, president of Tours FC

How will the charges be divided between the two clubs? “It will be shared, it is being studied and I think we will deliberate on it at the next city council, says the chosen one. It’s better to have two entities because it shares the costs. I will remind you that last year, the price was lowered to allow the Tours club to play in the Cher Valley.”

The arrival of the media Omar Da Fonseca as support for the Jocondien club will not be enough to give the FCTJM the means to play at the largest stadium in Tours, according to Jean-Marc Ettori. “If we wait for Da Fonseca’s ticket, we will wait a long timehe said. According to my information, the Jocondians are still waiting for 50,000 euros which have been promised for two months. It is not enough to say things, you have to put your hand in your pocket.

FC Tours Joué Métropole did not wish to speak on Monday July 18 but announced that they wanted to communicate in the coming days on the future of the club and the coming season.

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