Toulouse carried by its hinge, Castres brings down Montpellier, Toulon and the Stade Français delight … What to remember from Saturday’s matches

Toulon settled in second place in the championship after its great success against Brive, Saturday October 8 during the 6th day. Castres was reassured against the Montpellier champion, when Racing won in front of Pau (26-13). Later, the Toulouse leader assumed his status against Clermont. Back to the highlights of the afternoon.

The shock: Dupont and Ramos disgust the ASM

Whether it spins or not, this Toulouse stadium is irresistible. Faced with a fine team from Clermont (46-10), although reworked, the Rouge et Noir relied on individual exploits of their hinge. The insatiable Antoine Dupont first concluded a long streak of upwind domination, thanks to a devastating feint (15th). Thomas Ramos, opener of fortune this season, followed suit by taking a winning interval (26th) then improving an interception from Sofiane Guitoune (51st).

Add another ball intercepted by Alexandre Roumat (66th), and the account is good: rather than shine, Toulouse scored six tries, including five to zero or one pass, feasting on the mistakes of young Auvergnats. Ugo Mola will not complain, since with this offensive bonus, his players are in the lead, six points ahead of Toulon.

Revenge: the champion falls in Castres

The CO knew the song. Beaten in the last Top 14 final because of a disastrous start against Montpellier (3 tries conceded in 12 minutes), Castres took on the MHR at their own game. Two early tries from Ryno Pieterse (4th) on a dazzling counter and Wilfrid Hounkpatin (20th) upwind put the Tarnais on the right track (26-13 final score). In a generally choppy match, Benjamin Urdapilleta then fed on the faults conceded by the Héraultais (16 points at the foot).

Intractable at Pierre-Fabre (24 games unbeaten) but unable to win off their bases, the CO continues to blow hot and cold. Despite the return of his scrum half Cobus Reinach, author of a try (34th), Montpellier concedes a second defeat in a row.

Cards: any bonus for Stade Français and Toulon

This time, the Parisians did not go into detail. Timorous during their first two victories at Jean-Bouin, they made short work of Perpignan (52-3) to clinch their first offensive bonus of the year. The conquering pack of Stade Français was at the conclusion of 6 of 8 tries, including a brace from right prop Giorgi Melikidze and second row John van der Mescht. Paul Gabrillagues and Sékou Macalou offered beautiful slaloms, allowed by the largesse of a Catalan defense reduced by one unit after the exit of Lucas Velarte, excluded in the 21st.

In an identical scenario, the Toulonnais also signed a first improved success at Mayol against the Brivistes (47-0) “fanny”. Put into orbit by a thunderous start (21-0 in the 12th), the Varois feasted against a training in numerical inferiority, after the red card of Paul Abadie (43rd). The Club de la Rade, the new dolphin of Toulouse, is swimming in full happiness.

The player: Camille Lopez takes his foot in Bayonne

A makeover on its land. Back this summer in his native Basque Country, Camille Lopez is having a blast with the promoted Bayonnais. With a lethal weapon: devastating kick passes to send his wingers into the in-goal. Facing La Rochelle (29-13), the 33-year-old opener has distilled a new pancake for Gaëtan Germain. A decisive action, since it allowed Bayonne to score its second try and fly away (13-8 so far).

Above all, Lopez has combined business with pleasure: a fake pass to put a defender in the wind, then a caviar with the right foot – his bad – with a grazing kick. Customary of the fact this season, the ex-international (28 caps) has already distilled four assists in this way. In its wake, Rowing did not row and remained undefeated at Jean-Dauger.

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