Top Chef 2022: Lilian Douchet breaks the silence after her shock departure!

Big twist in the episode Top Chef 2022 (M6) from Wednesday April 13. Lilian Douchet made the decision to leave the adventure as Stéphane Rotenberg confided at the start of the program. A subject on which the main interested party subsequently expressed himself on Instagram.

The ninth episode of Top Chef 2022 brought its share of surprises. The candidates still in competition had the honor of cooking for chef Massimo Bottura. The unfortunate finalist of the 2020 edition Adrien Cachot was also present to offer a colorful test based on offal. But what especially marked the public, it is the announcement of the departure of Lilian Douchet. “In the purple brigade of Paul Pairet, Lilian had to stop the competition for personal reasons. As provided for in the regulations, he is replaced by the last outgoing, Wilfried“, confided Stéphane Rotenberg to all the participants.

On social networks, many Internet users were disappointed or shocked by this hasty departure. “But… Am I the only one shocked? They announce the departure of Lilian in 3 words…“, “Stéphane who announces the departure of Lilian in 10 seconds when it will take the whole show to get over it #TopChef“, “Ah OK. You are informed of Lilian’s departure without further ado. Want to die“, we have in particular been able to read on Twitter.

Others directly sent messages to Lilian Douchet to express their sadness. Very quickly, the candidate therefore wished to express himself in video, on Instagram. “Good as you must have seen in tonight’s episode, I had to leave the contest Top chef for personal reasons but don’t worry, today everything is fine. And I really wanted to thank you for the benevolence and the kindness that you had towards me. It made me extremely happy. I give you lots of kisses and I say see you very soon”, he says. And in the caption of the publication, he specifies that it was “nothing serious“.

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