Toni Braxton: Death of her sister Traci at 50, dramas follow in the clan

This is terrible news that affects the family of the legendary R&B singer Toni Braxton, her little sister Traci Braxton died at the age of 50.

The husband of the deceased, Kevin Surratt told TMZ: “The time has come when we must inform the public that after a year of a series of treatments for esophageal cancer our beloved Traci Braxton has passed away.“She was surrounded by her sisters and her mother when the latter died.

This Saturday, the singer of Breathe Again and girlfriend of the rapper birdman confirmed the tragic news on his Instagram account. “It is with deep regret that we inform you of the passing of our sister Traci, there is nothing need to say, she was bright, a wonderful daughter, an amazing sister, a lovely mother, wife and grandmother and a respected singer. You will miss us. Traci left this morning while it was snowing, our angel is now a snowflake. We ask that you respect our privacy as we intend to send her love and celebrate her life. We are a forever family” she said on Instagram with a black and white photo of her with her sisters.

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