“Today, it is nuclear against renewable energy”, estimates the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot at 20 hours of France 2

What there is to know

With the COP26, ecology made the headlines. The ecological presidential candidate, Yannick Jadot, much less. Left victorious by a short head on September 28 of the primary of Europe Ecology-Les Verts, which opposed him in the second round to Sandrine Rousseau, the MEP is the guest of “8:22 pm” of France 2, Thursday November 18 . While Emmanuel Macron announced the relaunch of the construction of nuclear reactors on French soil, as well as an extension of 1.9 billion euros to the seven billion already planned to finance the development of the hydrogen sector, the former leader of Greenpeace France is experiencing a discreet start to the campaign.

If, in 2017, Yannick Jadot had joined the socialist candidate, Benoît Hamon, this time, the ecologist does not intend to let go in the face of his opponents on the left, and in particular in front of the PS mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo. the last poll Ipsos-Sopra Steria for franceinfo, on October 1, gave Yannick Jadot tied with the candidate of France rebellious, Jean-Luc Mélenchon (9%), ahead of Anne Hidalgo (5.5%).

He castigates the “failure” of the leaders at the COP26. Yannick Jadot estimated on Monday that theagreement signed in Glasgow (Scotland) was “unquestionably a failure”. On France Inter, he pointed to the responsibility “leaders and governments who, today, are in a conformism of policies and in a complacency vis-à-vis the lobbies which prevent them from moving forward”.

A program focused on phasing out fossil fuels. Yannick Jadot plans to end public subsidies for fossil fuels, to set up a “ISF climate” to encourage “divest assets that are harmful to the climate” and D’help the most fragile households to “to overcome the vagaries of fossil fuel prices, in particular through the renovation of housing and assistance in the acquisition of clean vehicles”.

Forreception in the EU of migrants trapped in Belarus. Yannick Jadot took a stand on Monday in favor of the reception by the European Union of the several thousand migrants stranded at the border between Poland and Belarus. “The urgency is to welcome them, they are dying in the forests, in abominable conditions”, he declared on France Inter.

Forban on weekend hunting. Yannick Jadot declared on October 29 that he wanted to ban hunting on weekends and during holidays. “Three quarters of people who live in rural areas do not dare to go for a walk on Sundays when there is gunfire, this is not normal”, he said on BFMTV. “The majority have no will to ban hunting in one way or another. On the other hand, it must be regulated”, reacted the Minister of Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili.

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