Video length: 2 min
Road safety: to limit accidents, an association invites people to “drive like a woman”
“Drive like a woman”: this is the shocking slogan of a new road safety campaign. Female drivers are in fact much less likely to have a fatal accident. It is also a way of fighting against sexist clichés.
(France 2)
“Drive like a woman”: this is the shocking slogan of a new road safety campaign. Female drivers are in fact much less likely to have a fatal accident. It is also a way of fighting against sexist clichés.
What if to make the roads safer, we all started driving like women? “There are perhaps fewer accidents because we are more moderate”, estimates a motorist. The statistics are clear: men are much more dangerous on the road than women. 84% of fatal accidents are caused by drivers. Enough to sweep away decades of clichés that we still hear.
To change mentalities, a campaign has just been launched by a road safety association. Objective: to encourage men to be inspired by women. “Compared to the statistics, to the percentage of deaths, it is a model”, explains Mounir Al Rafei, secretary general of the Victimes et Citoyens association. 84% of invalidated licenses belong to men. Until 2013, women paid less for their car insurance, a measure abandoned because it was considered discriminatory at the time.