To Catch a Killer | Behind the scenes of an investigation

Following a shooting in downtown Baltimore that left 29 dead on New Year’s Eve, an FBI investigator takes a police officer with a troubled past under his wing to help find the killer.

Upon returning from the screening of To Catch a Killer – shot mainly in Montreal – we meet one of our bosses and give him our impressions. Our exchange ends with: “It feels good to see this kind of production. We quickly realize that this phrase can be misinterpreted.

The premise of Argentinian Damián Szifron’s first English-language film seems to be constantly in the news: a gunman shoots down 29 people for no apparent reason. What we meant by ‘do good’ is that it can be gripping to be told a plausible, intelligent and singular story, even if it is tragic.


Jovan Adepo, Ben Mendelsohn and Shailene Woodley

The dark event opens the film. We show it, but the camera mainly lands on the people around those who lose their lives. They pass abruptly from joy and ecstasy to desolation and panic. It’s terrifyingly realistic.

Shortly after the shots are fired, the apartment building they were fired from explodes. Policewoman Eleanor Falco (Shailene Woodley) does not hesitate to step onto the crime scene. FBI investigator Geoffrey Lammark (Ben Mendelsohn) notices her for the first time. Then, a second, at the police station. He then asks her to join his team – his reasoning is not the most convincing, but let’s move on.

believable duo

Both actors deliver solid and nuanced performances. Although they are known faces, they fade behind their character. Their relationship is central to Szifron and Jonathan Wakeham’s storyline. They avoid the clichés of the brilliant but broken woman who teaches life to her superior – in addition to seeing what escapes everyone. Nor does Lammark turn out to be a man who pretends he needs a young policewoman for the wrong reasons. The pair complement each other well and bond, but their union remains strictly professional.

There is a lot of politics and hierarchy in the conduct of the investigation. This is an interesting aspect, but sometimes takes up too much space. The tension is still maintained thanks to precise editing, effective action scenes and music by Carter Burwell (The Banshees of Inisherinalmost all of the Coen brothers’ films).

Damián Szifron obviously has talent. Before being in the running for the Palme d’Or at Cannes in 2014, then at the Oscars the following year, with Salvage reports (The new savages), he had directed the hit series Los Simulators, in Argentina. The latter will be the subject of a film soon. We hope to see his works on our screens more often.

Indoor, in English only

To Catch a Killer

Crime thriller

To Catch a Killer

Damian Szifron

With Shailene Woodley, Ben Mendelsohn, Jovan Adepo



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