Video length: 3 mins.
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Friday April 21, on the set of 13 Hours, Doctor Damien Mascret revealed some tips for eating healthier.
Contrary to popular belief, frozen fries are not so bad for your health. “We always say it’s greasy and salty, but in recent years manufacturers have reduced fat and salt in their products”, says Doctor Damien Mascret, on the set of 13 Hours, Friday April 21. He also recommends choosing “big fries”less impregnated with fat.
Eggs and Roquefort
Regarding fruit juices, one glass contains “four sugars”either “twice as much as in two oranges”. “Like all sugary drinks, it causes a spike in blood sugar. The ideal way to reduce this sugar spike is to prefer the whole fruit”, recommends the health professional. He also reminds “that there are approximately 50 mg of vitamin C in [une] orange”. Also, eating eggs does not raise cholesterol. “Professor Lecerf, from the Pasteur Institute in Lille, points out that one egg a day is quite acceptable”, says doctor Damien Mascret. Finally, it is possible to eat Roquefort, but “a reasonable portion”about 20 g.
Among our sources
The Medical Press Training
So what do we eat? (Fayard)
Non-exhaustive list