Tiger Woods back at Augusta Masters, 13 months after car accident

Seriously injured in an accident in February 2021, Tiger Woods returns to Augusta on Thursday.

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Another “comeback” for Tiger Woods. The American golfer announced his big return to competition on Tuesday February 5 during a press conference. Victim of a road accident a little over a year ago, the former world number 1 will finally be present on Thursday on the immense greens of Augusta for the start of the Masters, the first Grand Slam of the season. .

For now I will play“said the American at a press conference. Aged 46, Woods has not removed all doubts about his physical condition and must still test himself one last time on Wednesday.”It’s about how my body will recover from this exertion and what it’s capable of the next day“Woods explained.

Over the past two days, the American has completed two nine-hole practice sessions in front of thousands of cheering fans. “I can hit the ball very well. I have no doubts about what I can do golf-wise. The walk is the hard part“, he said. Legend of golf, winner of 15 Grand Slam events including five Masters, he had been seriously injured in the right leg on a Californian road, narrowly avoiding an amputation, on February 23, 2021.

Considering himself lucky to have survived and even to still have both his legs, Woods is trying to return to the land of his greatest exploits, the last dating back to 2019 when he won the Masters, after undergoing a fourth operation of the back, a delicate fusion of vertebrae which could already have put an end to his career. A born competitor, the former world number one never lost the desire to win. “I think I can win the Masters this week“, he thus affirmed. A new success in Georgia would allow him to equal the record of six titles won by Jack Nicklaus.

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