tiger mosquitoes proliferate in France


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – G. Darengosse, E. Bailly, B. Lasseguette, R. Vivenot, P. Acheré, T. Elobo, F. Levasseur, A. Daubrée

France Televisions

During the summer, the main enemy for the health of the French people is the tiger mosquito. It is responsible for more and more cases of dengue fever in France.

During the summer of 2023, enemy number 1 is the tiger mosquito. It makes no noise and is recognizable with its white stripes. This insect from tropical areas is responsible for the increase in dengue fever cases. 66 cases were identified last year, against 48 in the space of ten years. The increase in cases is due to climate change. There is now a higher density of mosquitoes.

71 departments concerned

Detected in 2004 in the Alpes-Maritimes, it has invaded 71 departments. Two inhabitants of the Dordogne live a real ordeal. A municipality has therefore decided to distribute traps full of pheromones and insecticides to the inhabitants. In the Aisne, a helicopter sprays insecticide directly over the marshes of the Somme. To get rid of tiger mosquitoes at home, it is advisable to get rid of stagnant water points.

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