Tiana reveals her improbable phobia!

There are all kinds of phobias. The best known is undoubtedly arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, one of the most widespread in the world. But agoraphobia can also be placed on the podium. On the other hand, that of Tiana was undoubtedly unknown by her comrades and the majority of viewers. Indeed, while she and the other candidates of the star Academy were in progress with Laure Balon, the new scenic expression teacher, the footballer made a strange revelation.

The one who is part of the new faculty, like Adeline Toniutti and the others, grabbed a plastic box filled with bullets. Before distributing them to each of the students, she let it be known that a point, located under the foot, had to be massaged every day to maintain good energy. But to massage it well, it was better to use a foam ball. Hence the distribution made by the teacher.

Fear… of underfoot

However, she was surprised to learn that a candidate from the star Academy was not going to be able to do the recommended exercise. Indeed, Tiana has a phobia… of underfoot. “I can’t. I have a phobia of footbeds, that’s me… Anything underneath I can’t”she revealed, very disturbed, to Laure Balon.

Not enough to disappoint the teacher, who always demonstrates pedagogy. Indeed, this one wanted to reassure her. “You don’t need to, we’ll take something else. I took it for this exercise but if you have a phobia of the bottoms of your feet…”she cuts herself off before confessing to him: “I’ve never had that, never had a case, but I respect this phobia. Above all, if you don’t feel it… cool, respect who you are and we’ll see in six weeks how we move forward”. On the other hand, even if she “respect” footballer phobia, Laure Balon promises that she will not “will let go” not his pupil: “Life is always a progression of things and I will get you”.

See also: Exclu Public: find out how much Jenifer pocketed to launch the new season of “Star Academy”!


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