three men and a woman suspected of having prostituted and kidnapped a teenager were arrested

The girl of just fifteen years accuses several people of having kidnapped and prostituted her.

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suspected of “aggravated pimping” of a teenager, three men and a woman were in police custody in Compiègne (Oise) on Sunday August 7. They were arrested on Saturday afternoon after a 15-year-old girl alerted a friend. This last “would have called 17 to denounce acts of prostitution and kidnapping”detailed prosecutor Marie-Céline Lawrysz to AFP, confirming information from the Parisian.

The three men in question are from Essonne, Seine-Saint-Denis and Hauts-de-Seine, and known, for at least two of them, for acts of violence, drug trafficking or theft . The woman, originally from Compiègne, is suspected of having “hosted the victim in a Compiègne apartment”. Everyone’s involvement “to be determined”noted the prosecutor, while the teenager also “denounced several other people”

Originally from around Reims (Marne), the teenager “placed in a home by a children’s judge in Châlons-en-Champagne for about two years” would have “runaway since May”, according to the prosecutor. First a prostitute in Paris, she would have tried to escape her pimps.

The teenager would then “was taken care of by a man who would have taken her to Amiens (Somme), where she would also have prostituted herself, before arriving in Compiègne”, traced Marie-CélineLawrysz. She would have been a prostitute there for about three weeks. “She says that at the beginning she was prostituting herself of her own free will, then the situation escalated, and she would have been kidnapped”she added, specifying that the facts “remained to be clarified”.

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