thousands of demonstrators denounce a controversial judicial reform


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

franceinfo – C. Morand, O. Pergament

France Televisions

Tuesday, July 11, thousands of Israelis took to the streets to denounce an attack on democracy. In question, a controversial judicial measure voted by Parliament.

The rumble does not weaken. On Tuesday July 11, Israelis took to the streets of Tel Aviv (Israel) en masse. They oppose the judicial reform wanted by the government. On the night of Monday to Tuesday, the Israeli Parliament passed a controversial measure, which would prevent the judicial powerciary to rule on the reasonableness of government decisions. This decision angered the opposition.

71 people arrested

As early as Tuesday morning, protesters gathered across the country. They were thousands at Tel Aviv airport to denounce an attack on democracy. Others blocked highways. “I came here because this government is destroying democracy in Israel”, says a doctor. Demonstrators ended up being dislodged by the police with water cannons. 71 people were arrested across the country.

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