Thomas Pesquet soon back on Earth


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After months spent aboard the International Space Station, French astronaut Thomas Pesquet is preparing to return to dry land. A return that risks being disrupted by weather conditions.

Thomas Pesquet will soon be back on dry land and say goodbye to his suit. Like his fellow ISS boarders, he tries on his suit and his spacesuit. Their return to Earth is scheduled between Sunday November 7 and Monday November 8, in the sea. “This is not the first water landing, it will look a lot like my landing on the Soyuz”, explains the French astronaut.

At an altitude of almost 400 kilometers, Thomas Pesquet and his companions will settle in a Dragon capsule which will leave the ISS and begin a long descent of 15 hours. The water landing is planned in the Gulf of Mexico, despite the weather conditions that are not necessarily obvious. “We will still have a weather forecast in a few hours. If the winds are not favorable, this whole phase will be postponed almost by a day”, explains Phillipe Willekens, communications director of the European Space Agency. The weather will also prevent the immediate passing of the relay to the next crew.


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