this young agricultural worker is threatened with expulsion



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A farm worker in the Vaucluse for more than two years, Mocktar is threatened with expulsion despite his employers’ request for regularization. And for them, in a sector that is struggling to recruit, his departure is inconceivable…

“In Côte d’Ivoire there are no vines. So it’s as if they had buried something of me, what” Mocktar is a farm worker in La Tour-d’Aigues. He arrived in France in June 2017. A year later, he started working in the vineyards, during the harvest.

At the end of 2020, Mocktar’s employers demanded that he be regularized through work. But the request was rejected, leaving them in complete misunderstanding: “He is in a situation where he has a job, stability, an employer who took him on a permanent contract, so my father, a future too, a future job because I want to take over the business, which I know I can’t do it alone“, deplores Sabrina Lachal, daughter of François Lachal, farmer and employer of Mocktar.

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