This year Mickey’s diary celebrates its 90th anniversary

On October 16, 1934, “Le Journal de Mickey” was born. A French newspaper with an American hero: Mickey. The JDM is celebrating its 90th anniversary this year.


Reading time: 2 min

90 years of intergenerational.  (MICKEY’S DIARY)

THE Mickey’s Diary began in Paris under the leadership of Paul Winkler in 1934. He is the founder of the Opera Mundi press agency created in 1928 and disappeared during the 1990s.

Specializing in the distribution of comics, particularly through magazines Mickey’s Diary (1934), Robinson (1936) and Hop-There (1937), Opera Mundi published comic strips bought from King Features Syndicate, but also original creations, in partnership with Hachette. Its title intended for women, Confidences, was launched in 1937-1938.

The agency holds the rights to Disney comics in France, as well as other American comics.

Mickey’s Diary celebrates its 90th birthday this year (on October 16, 2024, precisely, an anniversary newspaper will be released). The JDM is launching a major call for participation, it is open to ages 7-107 and the deadline for participation is June 30, 2024.

A children’s newspaper is a bit like Proust’s Madeleine. We all have very strong memories of the newspapers we read as kids. That’s what we’re trying to keep alive with Mickey’s diary.

Edith Rieubon, editor-in-chief of Journal de Mickey.

at franceinfo

There are 3 ways to participate:

Design the most beautiful cover; take a portrait photo to be part of the collector’s poster or send a testimonial to explain what the JDM means to you, what you keep as a souvenir.

A poster with photos of JDM readers.  (JDM)

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