‘This war is not just our war, it’s a war for European values,’ says Ukrainian First Lady

What there is to know

“This war is not only our war, it is a war for European values, for human values”declared, Thursday, December 15, on France Inter, Olena Zelenska. The wife of Volodymyr Zelensky and Ukrainian First Lady was questioned about her possible fear that international opinion would grow tired of the situation, ten months later Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Follow our live.

New exchange of prisoners. The Ukrainian presidency announced on Wednesday that it had secured the release of 64 Ukrainian soldiers and an American citizen, during a new prisoner exchange with Russia.

Kyiv under attack. The air defense system shot down Iranian-made drones over Kyiv and its surroundings on Wednesday, according to the capital’s mayor. No casualties were reported.

No break planned for the holidays. “No proposal has been made by anyone, this subject is not on the agenda”spokesman for the Russian presidency, Dmitry Peskov, told the press on Wednesday, when asked about the possibility of such a break in hostilities.

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