“This terrible proposal to increase the retirement age”, “does not allow us to participate in a government” of coalition, warns Fabien Roussel

The deputy from the North, however, does not definitively close the door to a coalition government with Emmanuel Macron, unlike rebellious France.

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The pension reform wanted by Emmanuel Macron “does not allow us to participate in a government” coalition, warns the deputy from the North and communist candidate for the 2022 presidential election Fabien Roussel, Sunday June 26 on franceinfo. However, he pointed out that the Communists did not “never refused to participate in a government on principle” in their story.

Fabien Roussel does not completely close the door to a coalition government called for by Emmanuel Macron, but he sets strict conditions for the president: “If the President of the Republic’s project is to maintain the few small proposals he made during the presidential election, including this terrible proposal to increase the retirement age, then this is a breaking point for us. . It is not possible.”

>> “There is no possible arrangement” with the government of Emmanuel Macron, according to Adrien Quatennens

The deputy from the North is more likely to believe in text-by-text agreements than in a true government contract. “We will support measures that go in the right direction”he promises, while warning that the communist group will not be satisfied with half measures: “We will not redress France with small checks, with small crumbs.”

He mentions in particular the example of the salary of new teachers, wanted by the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye at 2,000 euros net: “I say yes 2000%”he assures before immediately weighing: “If there is also an increase in other salaries”. “If all salaries do not increase, there will be a lot of teachers who will be overtaken by beginners. So you have to take seniority into account too.”

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