This star of the JT of France 3 reveals to suffer from lung cancer…

The faithful of France 3 know his face well. For several years, Catherine Matausch has held the reins of the television news of the third channel on weekends. But last spring, the journalist was absent in the greatest discretion. Questioned by our colleagues from puremedias on May 16, 2022, a few days before her big return to the air, she had given some signs of a response while remaining quite vague. “I was on sick leave but I’m back to business this week! I have accumulated health problems, but it is treated”, she said before adding: “When you’re not well, you’re in another rhythm… That’s life.”

In an interview with TV Grandes Chaînes, this Monday, June 20, 2022, Catherine Matausch delivered more in-depth and more disturbing confessions about what kept him away from his job for several weeks. “Life has been complicated for a year and a half. I chained several sick leaves because, among other things, of lung cancer”,she explained. “I’m fine. I’m better”, she clarified.

Poignant confidences which also recalled those that Jean-Pierre Pernaut had delivered before unfortunately succumbing after a long fight against the disease. The journalist from France 3 also wanted to salute the courage and the speech of the husband of Nathalie Marquay. “It’s good to talk about it, like he did. I’m talking about it here for the first time. In my case, fortunately, the disease is not at the same stage and was treated in time”she insisted.

In this interview given to TV Grandes Chaînes, Catherine Matausch also evokes a memory linked to a discomfort caused by one of her colleagues. “One evening, while I was on France 3, backstage, the presenter of 19/20 felt unwell ten minutes before the antenna. They asked me to replace him at short notice. Admittedly, there was a teleprompter and the news was written, but what stress around me, especially since there was a guest on set that evening. Luckily, I managed to put myself in deep diver mode before an apnea.


See also: These stars have overcome cancer

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