this scoop on his mother who will not leave anyone indifferent!

“When I grow up, I will be like mom “. If Marion Cotillard is today one of the most famous actresses of her generation, she owes her passion for cinema to her mother, Niseema Theillaud. For the clan of the actress, the 7th art is a family affair. During her career, Monique has had the chance to work with the greatest. Professor at the Orleans Conservatory, the latter was a real source of inspiration for her eldest daughter. ” In Orléans, I went to boarding school. I didn’t like it very much, but I took my mother’s theater workshop. I never said to myself: ‘I want to be an actress.’ Everything became obvious “, had in particular entrusted the mother of Louise and Marcel in the columns of Figaro in 2015.

Niseema Theillaud as Armande Tressere

Jack-of-all-trades, Niseema Theillaud has tried everything. At the theater, she had the chance to play plays by Shakespeare, Nietzsche or Honneger. In dark rooms, the mother of Marion, Guillaume and Quentin gave the reply to her daughter in “Les petits mouchoirs” by Guillaume Canet. She also worked with the great Larry Clark in the feature film “The smell of us”. But if she has a string of artistic projects, it is on the small screen that she is most present. Recently, viewers were able to see her in “Meurtres en Berry” on France 3. A few years earlier, she played Armande Tressere, shopkeeper and mother of Eve in the famous series “Plus belle la vie”.

Visibly proud of her mother’s journey, Marion Cotillard declared: ” My mother, who has the courage, in her life, to experiment with all kinds of therapies, allowed me to have access, through her, to means of repair, of healing. To heal, too, the things that needed to be healed in me. He is someone extremely important in my life and whom I adore. The bravest person I know. “Tender confidences.


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