This was the requirement of the former owner Monique Vaillant. Aged 88 in 2018 and with no direct descendants, she decided to bequeath her large farmhouse, the ancillary buildings and the 5,000 square meters of land to the municipality. provided that it becomes a place of solidarity remembers Yves Bleunven, the mayor of Grand Champ. Four years later, the project is about to complete its financing under the aegis of Gîtes pour Tous, a cooperative society of collective interest (SCIC), created with the support of Titi Floris, another cooperative specialized in transportation of disabled people. ” The idea is to make two tourist lodges explains its managing director Thomas Delison, one with 12 places and one with 8 places with several rooms adapted for people with reduced mobility, and also an indoor swimming pool, also adapted“.
– Riguidel Architects DR
The work is estimated at 1.2 million euros. ” The goal is to have 300,000 euros before going to the banks to borrow adds the leader. Because the market is, according to him, economically viable. ” There is only one similar lodging in Morbihan and the associations specialized in the world of the handicap tell us to reserve two years in advance. This says a lot about how few options there are to accommodate groups with people with reduced mobility, and not just in Brittany! “The two lodgings of the Kéroliard manor could open their doors in 2023. Mayor Yves Bleunven wants them to become ” the beginning of a long story around a chain called Gîtes pour Tous. He calls to all those who want to join us to participate in this economic, social and solidarity approach “.