this disturbing message from Stéphane Plaza which challenges internet users… But what is happening to Karine Le Marchand’s sidekick?

In the media, Stéphane Plaza’s good humor has become legendary. On screen, the main interested party likes to entertain the gallery to the delight of viewers. “I had the chance to do television late at age 35. I struggled a lot before, I saw green and unripe ones and the watermelon, I left it at the bottom of my bag When you set up a network, you have to be human for it to work”he analyzed for QG. “And it’s precisely because I’ve always wanted to be a real estate agent and not necessarily an animator…”

But this weekend, the heart was not at the party. This Saturday, July 9, 2022, Stéphane Plaza took over his social networks to engage like never before with his subscribers. It’s obviously time for reflection…

“I console myself in love…”

“We may be surrounded, we often feel alone. Alone among all, alone in the world. A feeling of loneliness and incomprehension in the face of the people around us. I am here, I observe them”, the star said in her post. “My head is going to explode, my heart is going to break, this pain is so deep and invisible”. To close his message, Stéphane Plaza – however – wanted to finalize it with a positive note.

“I console myself in love, this magnificent feeling which brightens my soul, which gives birth to little butterflies in my stomach. This love that I receive from you every day. I go to bed unhappy and I wake up happy thanks to you. I live for you”, he thus concluded. And that’s not all !

The real estate agent also disabled comments, thus preventing Internet users from reacting to his post. Note that he tagged Leonardo DiCaprio and Karine Le Marchand… It remains to be seen whether this bottle in the sea will have the desired effect. Case to follow.


to see also: Séphane Plaza: In tears, he pays a vibrant tribute to his missing mother…

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