this conjugal violence that he preferred to keep quiet… Sloane throws everything away!

A secret that must have been very heavy to keep… On March 23, Michel Leeb was invited by the C8 channel to participate in the 6 to 7 hosted, at this time, by Cyril Hanouna, and promote his show What is sex?. The opportunity for the comedian to announce to the columnists that he was the neighbor of Bernard Montiel, also present around the table. Indeed, the chronicler and he own a house in Pilat. “We live together in Pilat, well not together, we are neighbours”, he confided before specifying that he lived there with his partner Béatrice and his son Tom Leeb. The son of the actor who turns many heads with his beauty and his dream body.

Matthieu Delormeau also seemed delighted to learn that the son of Michel Leeb would no longer be in a relationship with Constance Labbé. “No, no, he’s free”revealed the comedian when the host of TPMP People threw: “I don’t know if he is married or in a PACS…”. But this Saturday, April 2, Matthieu Delormeau would never have imagined talking about Michel Leeb again. At least, in a totally different context than humor.

Michel Leeb said nothing

Indeed, the host received the singer Sloane, known for her cult title with Peter Need anything want you. The star of the 80s came to confide and make sensational revelations about his ex-partner, but also companion, of the time. “I was in a relationship with Peter. He hit me on the face”she reveals at first before adding: “In 1985, I left because I couldn’t take it anymore. I weighed 42 kg and regularly had black eyes”.

The singer went even further and revealed horrible details of what her ex-acolyte allegedly did to her. By even accusing Michel Leeb of never having spoken of the situation when he was aware. “Ask Michel Leeb, he knew about it!”she let go on the set of TPMP People. There is no doubt that the comedian never really wanted to hide such a situation, but perhaps did not know how to bring up the subject without wanting to cause harm to one or the other…

See also: Suffering from breast cancer, Michel Leeb’s daughter, Fanny, testifies


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