this BIG real estate scandal which embarrasses his young companion Alina Kabaeva to the highest point… President Erdogan involved!

It’s no secret that Vladimir Putin is a secret man. If for several months, his policy has been in the news, the main interested party takes the hard knocks without batting an eyelid… Or almost! At the same time, his private life is also causing a lot of ink to flow. Since 2016, the head of the Kremlin would spin the perfect love with Alina Kabaeva. The businesswoman would also have had children with the politician… But to date, the main interested parties have always ignored the rumors.

“The Russians are convinced that he now shares his life with former international gymnast Alina Kabaeva. […] Nothing filters through this relationship, they never appear in public, but they live together and I think they are very close, sincerely united. They spend a lot of time together,” analyzed the writer Vladimir Fedorovski for the Parisian. “He is deliberately very discreet about his loves, his children. Perhaps because he sees them as vulnerabilities”.

Alina Kabaeva ready to settle in Turkey?

On a daily basis, the ex-gymnast would also have a great influence on the decisions of his half. Even in turmoil, Alina Kabaeva would constantly show her the greatest support. This Tuesday, June 21, 2022 Mail Online revealed new information about the pretty brunette. According to our colleagues, the star would have acquired two residences in Turkey: one would be located in Istanbul, the other in the south of the country. And that’s not all !

A close collaborator of President Erdogan would have gotten involved in arranging them with care. It is also the businessman Leonid Nevzlin who revealed this fact to the famous media. According to him, the Turkish president would also have “affected” part of his presidential guard to “houses of Alina Kabaeva”. After Switzerland, will Alina Kabaeva settle permanently in Turkey with her children? For the moment, no one knows… Case to follow!


to see also: Vladimir Poutine exploded by Laeticia Hallyday – the shocking image unveiled by Johnny’s widow:

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