this battery of medical tests that awaits the astronaut


France 3

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Live from Cape Canaveral (United States), Loïc de La Mornais looks back on the return of astronaut Thomas Pesquet to Earth, and more particularly, what awaits him now.

Thomas Pesquet landed on the night of Monday 8 to Tuesday 9 November. Back from space, the French astronaut will not immediately be able to take his leave. And for good reason : he must first readjust to life on Earth. “After landing, Thomas Pesquet was transported to Houston, Texas. […] And there, indeed, a little like a patient who arrives in an emergency room in a hospital, there was a whole battery of tests “, explains journalist Loïc de La Mornais.

“We’re going to control his heart, because it’s shrunk in orbit. We are going to check his eyes in particular, see if everything is going well “, details the reporter. And to continue: “And then, then, Thomas Pesquet will very soon, in the coming hours, board a plane, direction Cologne, in Germany, where the center of European astronauts is located. Once there, three weeks of tests await him.


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