this astonishing reason which pushed the hostess to lie about her pregnancy!

Léa Salamé is not idle. The former columnist of “We are not lying” has a series of projects on television but also on the radio. On the airwaves of France Inter, she has been leading the 7:50 am political interview since 2014. She has also been at the helm of the show “Femmes powerful” for two seasons. On TV, Léa Salamé was at the helm of “L’émission politique”, since replaced by “Vous ont la parole”. The faithful viewers of France 2 also find her at the head of “Stupéfiant!” and “We are live”.

So many projects that leave little time for privacy. In a relationship with the essayist Raphaël Glucksmann, Léa Salamé is the mother of a little boy named Gabriel and born in March 2017. A happy event that fell a few weeks before the presidential election that the journalist absolutely wanted to cover. Reason why Léa Salamé lied about her maternity leave, as she revealed in the “InPower” podcast. “I gave birth in the middle of the presidential campaign and I returned to the air three and a half weeks later,” she explained at the microphone of Louise Aubery.

To ensure the 2017 presidential election, Léa Salamé decided to shorten her maternity leave. “I even lied because I absolutely wanted to run the presidential campaign. We were one month away from the vote and I wanted to do it. (…) Theoretically, I could not have come back,” said the journalist before specify: “I felt physically ready, helped by my companion, by a nanny, by my mother”. Aware that her case is a special one, Léa Salamé concludes: “I wanted to come back. This is not the case for the majority of women. In general, they do not want to come back before 6 to 8 weeks after giving birth. . We must leave this freedom to women “. A strong standpoint!


To see also: “Unbearable”, “aggressive” and “arrogant”: Léa Salamé takes it for her rank against Jean-Luc Mélenchon!

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