this association warns about breast cancer in Guadeloupe


Video duration:
3 mins


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France Televisions

Guadeloupe is a French territory particularly affected by cancer, particularly among women. Due to a lack of doctors, some patients have to travel 8,000 km to receive care in mainland France. During the month of Pink October, the Amazones Guadeloupe association recalls the state of the situation.

“You have probably heard about the chlordecone scandal. Clearly, there is a higher proportion of breast cancers in women in Guadeloupe, compared to France, and also prostate cancers in men.” explains Mathilde Nouvier, doctor on the island. She adds that in the overseas departments, “access to care is rather difficult. We have a significant shortage of doctors. It’s a French department, so it’s essential that we can have the same access to care as another department.”.

“Having physical activity creates moments of pleasure, and these moments of pleasure are very important” for patients

The Amazones Guadeloupe association organized the “Amazons on the canoes” event. “The idea is to encourage physical activity and sport. During difficult times which are linked to surgery or chemotherapy, having this physical activity creates moments of pleasure, and these moments of pleasure are very important” reminds the doctor. Participants board Saintoises, traditional sailboats from Les Saintes. “Everything is done manually, so it works the thighs, the abs, the arms. It also helps us practice teamwork, since we interact with 6 to 7 people. If we are capable on the water, we are also capable in life of facing challenges, such as cancer, or other illnesses.” says Mathilde Nouvier.

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