thirteen municipalities threatened by coastal erosion will have to “adapt”

Coastal erosion is a reality in Martinique, this was observed by the Secretary of State for Ecology visiting the island this week.

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Symbol of erosion on the Salines beach in Sainte-Anne (South Martinique).  (MARTINIQUE THE 1ST)

They no longer have a choice! Thirteen municipalities in Martinique will have to “adapt” to the erosion of their coastline. Global warming and human pressure contribute to the rise in water levels, and therefore to the narrowing of the dividing line between land and sea, which is also called the “coastline”. Martinique the 1st, Bianca Careto.

Guyana: cassava plantations decimated by an unidentified disease

In French Guiana, cassava is becoming increasingly rare due to an illness that is still difficult to define. Entire plantations of this tuber are decimated. Analyzes were carried out to determine the exact nature of the pathogen.

Analyzes are continuing to find the origin of the contamination of cassava, a tuber widely consumed in Guyana. In the meantime, in order to limit the spread of the disease, it is recommended not to exchange cuttings. Nathan Astar, local advisor for farmers, at the microphone of Guillaume Perrot, Guyane la 1ère.

The Mayotte museum wins the national competition to restore the “minbar”

“In competition” with a fountain on Reunion Island, the Mayotte “minbar” finally won! The two heritage objects took part in the competition “for the largest museum in France”, organized by the Foundation for the Safeguarding of French Art. It should be noted that a minbar” is a raised platform from which the imam speaks in mosques, the equivalent of a pulpit in a church. Mayotte la 1timeNasla Marouane.

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