thirteen arrests in an anti-terrorist justice operation

This group is suspected of carrying out suspicious activities, according to the Belgian federal prosecutor’s office, which did not give further details.

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It’s a trickle down. The Belgian justice proceeded, Tuesday, February 8, to the arrest of thirteen people, in the agglomeration of Antwerp, within the framework of an investigation of an anti-terrorism judge, opened several months ago. He suspects the “development” from a group close to “the Salafist-jihadist movement”. These arrests are aimed at “better understand the activities” of this potentially dangerous group, explained the federal prosecutor’s office. But no details were given on the suspicious activities of this group.

The thirteen men arrested must be presented within 48 hours to a judge who will decide whether or not to incarcerate them. The operation, which took place “without incident”, mobilized a hundred agents of the federal judicial police. The Belgian cities of Brussels and Antwerp have already, in the past, been singled out as rear bases for international jihadism. Antwerp was the anchor of the Sharia4Belgium group which advocated jihad at the time of its creation in 2010 and several members of which went to fight in Syria.

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