“They don’t listen, they don’t care!” : Jamel Debbouze cash on his children Léon and Lila

Did they teach you things?“, asks the host (himself dad of Agathe and Andrea, fruits of his love with Tina Grigoriou). “Yes, they taught me active listeninganswers the actor of the film Asterix and Obelix, Mission Cleopatra. Really listen with all your soul to understand. In the present, right now. If you don’t listen to a child, if you don’t give him all your attention, he goes away, that’s all he has to do. And I think being in the moment and then really being with them, not being somewhere else, not thinking about anything else when you’re with them. That’s what they taught me.”

Very attached to his family life, the actor nevertheless reminds us that a good parent must know how to leave his children free so that they can take flight. “Knowing how to educate also means knowing how to let go. At some point, they will go away, it seems… You have to be ready for that.” he explains. “I’m not ready for that at all!“ he adds with humor.

Melissa is amazing

Near Female Version, the 47-year-old comedian also shared how he showed his authority with his children: “Fortunately, I am extremely well accompanied for that! Education is teamwork. I would have a hard time being a good father without having a good mother by my side, And in that game. Melissa is amazing.“Sometimes very busy with his work, the actor nevertheless makes sure to be very present with Léon and Lila and to give them a lot of time. “IThere is not a weekend or a week of school holidays that I spend without them, because those moments are the most precious.” he revealed.

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