these unexpected new photos of the singer since the announcement of his cancer

On January 25, Florent Pagny publicly announced that he is suffering from lung cancer. Through a moving video in which he apologizes to his fans, the sexagenarian took stock of his current daily life: “Hello, I have to make a rather special announcement. I will not be able to continue my 60th anniversary tour. I have to cancel all of my concerts due to a health problem. Indeed, I have just been diagnosed with a tumor in the lungs, a cancerous tumor. Not very friendly. It can’t be operated so I have to go into a six month protocol of chemotherapy and x-rays. Which makes me sorry. But you all know that in life, the most important thing is health. When you have a problem, it becomes a priority” did he declare.

Florent Pagny with cancer: new photos of the singer in Corsica
A few days after this sad announcement, the singer has just made an unexpected appearance… in Corsica! Florent Pagny indeed flew to the island of beauty with three close friends, namely Patrick Fiori, Patrick Bruel and Jean-Charles Papi. And if the famous men have set sail for the south of France, it is above all to shoot the clip for the song “Corsu 2”!
Happy to be reunited and to allow Florent Pagny to change his mind, they did not fail to immortalize their little escapade by sharing in story, behind the scenes of the shooting. “Number 2 of Corsu, an extraordinary song in homage to Corsica, to this place so beautiful, incredible” launches Patrick Bruel in story on Instagram. “So beautiful and incredible because there are such beautiful and incredible artists like Patrick, like Florent, Jean-Charles Papi“wrote Patrick Fiori for his part.

Yes there is our friend Florent who is behind. It was nice huh, really a nice day.” confides the interpreter of the title break the voice, very moved by this moment which will certainly remain engraved in his memory. Visibly happy, Florent Pagny also shared some shots from the shoot on Instagram. “What a great time with friends…“he wrote in the caption of a photo where they all appear together.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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