These tips to know to stop sweating this summer!

Sweating isn’t always as glamorous as in the movies, especially outside of physical activity… To avoid getting too hot in transport, at work and in everyday life: follow the guide!

Stay hydrated

Start by hydrating yourself regularly with water! Ambient or cool without abusing it because it can give stomach aches. Hydration helps regulate your body temperature and prevents… excessive sweating!

Choose natural fibers

It is known, some clothes allow better ventilation of the skin and evaporation of sweat. Your best friends are natural fibres, include silk, cotton, linen… Say goodbye to humidity and heat

Don’t forget your mini-fan

In stores or on the internet, you can get a portable mini-fan quickly. You don’t have to make any effort, unlike fans which will make you hot by manual movement!

Play sports !

This will regulate your body cooling system. Sweating a lot during physical activity will prevent you from sweating quickly as soon as you feel the slightest feeling of heat.

Get in the shade

Wherever you are, prefer places in the shade or near trees. Certainly you avoid tanning but you protect yourself from the heat and the sun which has an aging effect on the skin! You are a winner.


Find the antiperspirant products that work for you! We all react differently from one product to another, if you haven’t already, test different antiperspirants to find out which one will work best for you! Be careful not to buy a simple deodorant that will only act on bad smells, so be careful when buying!

Manage your emotions

Whether it’s because you’re worried about sweating or you’re afraid of getting to work late because you missed your train, BREATHE! Take the time to breathe, to let go! Stressing will only make you sweat more!

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