these stars who believe in the paranormal!

The world of the paranormal is vast! A kind of catch-all where we cross different kinds of beliefs between ghost hunters, fortune tellers, spell-casting gurus, fervent believers in reincarnation… not to mention UFO trackers and other monsters, such as that of the Loch Ness or the Yeti! And some celebrities, eager to go see what happens beyond the glitter of their daily lives, have not failed to dare to speak publicly about their own paranormal experiences. A courageous speech because it is unusual and above all risks destabilizing the fans! In France, Ingrid Chauvin has never hidden having known death closely and… having come back from it. In 2003, the DNA actress experienced an NDE (“Near Death Experience” or EMI in French)! At the microphone of “France Inter”, she recounted her terrible car accident: “I was in critical condition, with internal bleeding, concussions. I was not in a coma, but I was in a more than second state. And to add, speaking of his incredible “very very special experience”: “I lived this extraordinary thing of see me above my body, to walk through a long tunnel with a white light at the end. And to find my father who had left a month before. And who said to me: my darling, I love you, you have to go back there, you have things to do”. A moment etched forever in the memory of the 51-year-old actress. Same shock for singer Zazie, who regularly returns to her EMI (near death experience), experienced during an operation when she was 10 years old. This December 15, in the studios of “En Aparté“ on Canal +, she said that she had the impression of fleeing from herself, but without particular anguish: “This operation, I lived it like a child . That is to say without fear, without a word on it. No one had warned me: ‘Be careful, you’ll see, that means you’re dying or that you’re in a coma…’” and revealed what had convinced her to have gone through a suspended moment: “ When I woke up I knew the name of what I had had and I told my mother. She asked me: ‘Where do you know that from, before me?’, because the doctors had not told her yet”, she concluded.

These stars who consult or have “flashes”

On the clairvoyance side, Nathalie Marquay-Pernaut has never hidden her attraction to the art of divination. Better, she had written in 2021 the book “Me I believe in it” where we discover that a clairvoyant had predicted to Miss France 1987 that she would one day be the most beautiful woman in the world! And, since the departure of her husband Jean-Pierre Pernaut, the unforgettable presenter of the 1 p.m. news from TF1, on March 2, 2022, the beauty has redoubled her testimonies relating to mediumship. Convinced that she herself has a gift, for having foreseen the death of her gardener and that of… Johnny Hallyday! Recognized medium, Geneviève Delpech, the widow of the famous singer Michel Delpech, who died on January 2, 2016 from throat cancer, says she continues to communicate with him from beyond. She even puts her “flashes” at the service of the police in terrible legal cases, such as those of little Maëlys killed by Nordhal Lelandais or the disappearance of Estelle Mouzin.

LEDs ? The New Marriage Counselors!

On the other side of the Atlantic, the “coming out medium” really seems easier to assume… Better still, it’s more than trendy among the stars, who make an appointment with their psychic as easily as with their manicure! Gwyneth Paltrow does not budge and consults regularly… In 2014, she was very close to a certain Jill Willard who predicted the best for her, in all the press, after her breakup with Chris Martin. “She’s going to remarry and find love again because she’s open to it.” And, four years later, the actress said again “Yes”, this time to a certain Brad Falchuk. But nothing very surprising, let’s face it. Angelina Jolie and Denise Richards would have consulted mediums to help them better “manage” their respective children. Cameron Diaz would regularly ask his medium, Madame Grace, for couple advice with each of his new relationships. George Clooney is said to be in psychic contact with his former friend and cherished companion, Max. A pig with whom he lived for 18 years and whose death in 2006 had destroyed him. Patrick Swayze, the late actor of “Dirty Dancing”, managed his temporary marital difficulties with his wife (they were married for 34 years!), by consulting not a marriage counselor but… a clairvoyant! Ditto for Sarah Jessica Parker and her husband Matthew Broderick. In other words, in “The City of Angels” the paranormal has become more than… normal.

France Live

See also: Witchcraft in “Les Marseillais”: Jeremstar rocks everything!

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