these moving images unveiled by Nagui’s companion

Four years ago in Russia, the picture was beautiful. Didier Deschamps, overjoyed, kissed his son Dylan and his wife Claude after his men’s final against Croatia in the last match of the World Cup. Four years later, the coach of the Blues fell into the arms of the young man but the mine defeated by a bitter and frustrating setback against Argentina at the same stage of the competition. The scene was captured by Mélanie Page, companion of Nagui, who, like her companion, is very close to the former midfielder of the France team. The actress immortalized the return of the vice-world champions to their base camp and broadcast it in a story posted this Monday, December 19 on Instagram.

Dylan Deschamps of course attended the final in the stands, alongside his mother Claude and his partner Mathilde. The latter then shared her sentence on social networks. “Sad, heartbroken… But proud of them”wrote the one who works in the luxury concierge sector.

Didier Deschamps supported by his son and daughter-in-law

The son of Didier Deschamps was also able to count on the comfort of his pretty companion. “I will always be with you, in victories and in defeats… It was not easy, but we fought until the end. No one can understand what we have been through, we have already been very lucky to live these exceptional moments“, she captioned a photo of the couple posted in one of her Instagram stories.

The 1998 world champion can in any case also count on the support of his daughter-in-law who not only shared his sadness, but who also praised all the work done by the father of his darling Dylan. Special mention for the coaching after half-time which was incredible”, she added. And to conclude with a certain casualness: “For the arbitration we will abstain from comments…”.


See also: “Luckily I’m not in front of you …”: Didier Deschamps violently reframes a French player!

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