these lawsuits he incurs for having insulted Louis Boyard

In recent days, tensions have been at their height on the plateau de Touche not at my post between the tackles of Guillaume Genton against Maeva Ghennam or the columnists who have stepped up to the plate against Marco Mouly.

But this Thursday, November 10, it is Cyril Hanouna who came out of his hinges. Indeed, the host became furious after the remark of Louis Boyard on Vincent Bolloré, the owner of the chain. “The five richest people are the same ones who impoverish France and Africa. And I’ll give you the example of Bolloré who deforested Cameroon”, dropped MP Nupes.

From there followed a big clash composed of insults. Louis Boyard ended up leaving the set under the boos of the public. “Cyril Hanouna has just insulted me for having criticized Bolloré, owner of his channel. Cyril Hanouna is as irresponsible with freedom of expression as with the far right. France is taking a worrying turn”, he was indignant on Twitter.

“Go take a chamomile my Louis…”

For his part, Cyril Hanouna also broke the silence and said: “This sequence is the proof that on #TPMP we can say everything, and invite everyone. Even if the deputies want to make a buzz now… Where are we going? Go take a chamomile my Louis and buy yourself a suit!”.

As recalled The Parisian, these insults can be prosecuted. In a circular published in September 2022, it was mentioned that prosecutors should consider insults against elected officials as a “contempt of a person holding public authority or charged with a public service mission”. This applies to parliamentarians as well as mayors and other elected officials.

Thus, if this story is taken to court, Cyril Hanouna risks up to one year in prison and / or a fine of 7,500 to 15,000 euros depending on the circumstances. It remains to be seen whether Louis Boyard intends to file a complaint against him.


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