these are “measures that we have defended” to be “useful to the French”, defends the deputy LR Aurélien Pradié


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For Aurélien Pradié, the criticisms accusing the Republicans of voting like the majority are not justified. He believes that the LR parliamentarians have obtained a number of measures which will render “service to the French”.

These are antics. Clowns are useless in the National Assembly”, replied Tuesday August 2 on franceinfo Aurélien Pradié, deputy Les Républicains du Lot, while the right is accused of having supported the majority on the measures to support purchasing power. For him, “The deputies of the National Rally are frustrated. They made noise but got nothing.”

“What is our mission to us Republican deputies, as it should be the mission of all deputies in the hemicycle? Defend the French. When we obtain the deconjugalization of the disabled adult allowance we are not doing a service to the French?”he wondered, “The answer is yes”. It’s the case “when we obtain tax exemption for overtime, we have defended this for years” and “in the parliamentary debate, it is legitimate that we try from time to time to twist the arm of the government.”

“I understand that the Nupes or National Rally deputies are very angry to see that the French realize that they are of no use in the National Assembly.”

Aurélien Pradié, deputy LR

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Aurélien Pradié felt that he had been “useful to the French and not having done a service to the government”. Bruno Le Maire sees in the Republicans a valuable support to the government. “Cat caresses, I have passed the age”answers Aurélien Pradié. “Bruno Le Maire and Gérald Darmanin are no longer part of our political family. I have nothing to do with Emmanuel Macron’s political project, I will not join him”, insists MP LR. Regarding Gérald Darmanin: “He has a big mouth and small arms. For five years he has had a very strong ability to say things bluntly and do nothing behind them.”

The purchasing power support measures are “measures that we have defended. We would be grotesque to refuse them because they come from the government. We have gone in the direction of the general interest”.

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