“There will be changes”, assures Jean-Michel Aulas on the Corinne Deacon file

The president of Olympique Lyonnais, member of the Comex of the French Football Federation, assured that changes are coming around the French women’s team, in an interview with France Inter.

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The Le Graët storm has passed, but the next few days will remain hectic at the French Football Federation. The French women’s team is bogged down in a deep crisis of mistrust among its players towards coach Corinne Deacon, and “measures will be taken by the FFF”, assured Jean-Michel Aulas, guest of France Inter Thursday, March 2. The president of Olympique Lyonnais, also a member of the Comex of the French football body and of the commission on women’s football, did not hide the need to change the situation.

This “difficult cohabitation between the coach and his main players“, as Aulas mentioned, has led in recent days to the withdrawal of Les Bleues executives such as Wendie Renard, Marie-Antoinette Katoto or Kadidiatou Diani, who will no longer wear the tricolor jersey until further notice. “The main players have decided to take the necessary step back to shake things upexplained Jean-Michel Aulas. The Comex and the committee responsible for it, to which I belong, are working very diligently on this. There will be a number of changes. In any case, solutions must be found. […] The Comex will make the right decisions, I’m sure.

“We have to have the best team possible.”

Jean Michel Aulas

on France Inter, Thursday March 2

With the approach of the World Cup in Oceania next summer then the Paris Olympics in 2024, the French women’s team is in the dark. Its stars point the finger “management“deacon and the”current system“, in particular the means allocated to the selection. Especially since sportingly, the Blue, eliminated in the semi-finals of the last Euro 2022 and in the quarter-finals of the World Cup disputed in France in 2019, seem to have reached a ceiling.

We have an antagonistic situation, because the two main French clubs, PSG and OL, which provide a large part of the players for the French team, are perfectly successful in Europe.analyzes Jean-Michel Aulas on France Inter. We have the best European and world players. And then the French team is struggling to set up a game that is up to its ambitions.

The future of Corinne Deacon should be sealed on March 9, as Franceinfo’s sports editorial staff revealed on Wednesday.

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