“there was a crush”!

Atmosphere as caliente as in Medellin on the set of “What an era”. This Saturday, June 3, like every weekend, Léa Salamé received the artists and politicians who make the news. If Adriana Karembeu, Éric Dupont-Moretti, Apolline de Malherbe responded present, Franck Gastambide and Ramzy Bedia were also in the game. The duo, guest in the weekly France 2 to tell a little more about their new project, “Medellin”available on AmazonPrime.

A film in which we will discover Pablito, a young Youtuber, fascinated by Pablo Escobar. He then decides to go to Medellin with a specific goal: to follow in the footsteps of the drug baron. His “cultural” trip will turn into a nightmare when drug traffickers get their hands on him and demand a ransom to free him. Fortunately, Pablito has a brother who will put together a team to try to free him. A plan as wacky and crazy as it is hilarious. For the occasion, Franck Gastambide has assembled a royal cast as he is used to.

See also: Honest, Léa Salamé admits to having taken the big head

Live statement between Franck Gastambide and Léa Salamé

Ramzy Bedia, Anouar Toubali, Brahim Bouhlel and above all, Mike Tyson, responded present. Invited to say a little more about this crazy project, Franck Gastambide therefore found Léa Salamé this Saturday, June 3 in “What an era”, several years after a first meeting which went badly. Indeed, in 2016, in “We are not in bed”, Léa Salamé spoke of the father of the 44-year-old actor with whom he is in fact no longer in contact. But the companion of Sabrina Ouazani is not resentful so far. The proof, with his beautiful statement to the journalist this Saturday, June 3.

The host of the show France 2 admitted it straight away, on the arrival of his guest: “I really like Franck Gastambide”. “It’s mutual and it’s been going on for years”, he replied with humor. Something to surprise Christophe Dechavanne: “What has this been going on for years?”. The actor and director then addressed his new interlocutor, without forgetting to put a slight pressure: “This admiration I have for Léa. Is that a problem?”. “Ah, so I’ll tell you, you wouldn’t do MMA…it could be”finally concluded the former star host of TF1on the verge of bursting out laughing.


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