“There is really a benefit to vaccinating children”, says the head of the virology department of the Toulouse University Hospital

Vaccination of children does not currently work in France. Many people over the age of 11 are vaccinated, but the youngest are hardly ever. 5-11 year olds have been eligible for vaccination since last December, but to date barely 5% have received a dose. In Haute-Garonne, they are only 2%, 1.3% in Tarn-et-Garonne for example. Why so much distrust? Professor Jacques Izopet, head of the virology department of the Toulouse University Hospital, was the guest of France Bleu Occitanie.

Very few children under 11 are vaccinated against Covid in Occitania, can you understand why?

The vaccination of children started in mid-December with the most fragile, then it was generalized. The rates are, in fact, very low compared to our neighboring countries such as Spain, Italy or Germany where we have vaccination coverage, in this age group, of 20 to 50%.

Why do you think parents are afraid to have their child vaccinated?

I think there is a certain reluctance for some parents. But it should be noted that this vaccine is a pediatric form which has been evaluated so safety is assured, there are very few side effects and the effectiveness has been proven. There is truly a benefit to vaccinating children, for themselves already because there are serious forms and then, there is of course a collective benefit since vaccination also contributes to reducing the circulation of the virus in this slice of disease. ‘age.

Moreover, are you surprised by the sharp decline in the epidemic?

No. Epidemiological indicators have been favorable for a few days, the peak of the fifth wave is clearly exceeded, like everywhere in France even if it was a little offbeat in Occitania.

Is the peak of hospitalizations also behind us at the Toulouse University Hospital?

The number of hospitalizations has decreased but the number of hospitalized patients infected with Covid is still high and we are still above previous waves. In intensive care, things have improved but there are still cases of Covid.

Have we achieved herd immunity on the Omicron variant?

Yes. This variant is a very contagious variant as has been pointed out several times. There were also the effects of the vaccination and the booster with the third dose. All this generated enough immunity to control the epidemic and allow us to overcome this wave.

The Minister of Health plans to lift the vaccination pass as well as the wearing of the mask indoors in mid-March. Does it seem a bit rushed though?

You have to be careful and see how the indicators such as the incidence rate evolve. These elements will allow us to decide on the lifting of certain measures. But it is clear that in large gatherings, barrier measures are still very effective in preventing transmission.

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