“The worst imaginable”

Tongues continue to be loosened. This Wednesday, December 27, 2023, Franceinfo in turn publishes a long investigation into Sébastien Cauet, cornered for several weeks by numerous damning testimonies, which portray him for some as a sexual predator, and for others as a workplace harasser. Targeted by four complaints for rape and sexual assault, the NRJ host, on leave from the station for an indefinite period, has been facing for several weeks a slew of testimonies, each as damning as the next. This Wednesday, a former co-host, with whom Sébastien Cauet worked for several years, who insisted on remaining anonymous, delivered a startling new testimony about the media man.

“It’s the worst you can imagine.”declared the one who would have worked with Cauet in his early days, for about a year. A brutal testimony, confirmed by a former colleague of the host, who worked alongside him in 2008 on the filming of a TV show (potentially Tournez manège), when she was only 19 years old : “He was a bit of a clumsy person who easily offered to have dinner with him” she explained, before rightly qualifying her remarks:Is this criminally reprehensible? No.

The one who remains presumed innocent of the facts attributed to him was able to count on the support of a woman, with whom he has worked for more than twenty years. Moved by the accusations targeting her employer, she wanted to defend him, while remaining anonymous: “Maybe he was very schoolboy about things, maybe he gave his number to girls too many times… But he never did anything to me, not even a sexist allusion she assured.

Enora Malagré was trapped, and balances

In an investigation of Release published a few days earlier, it was another ex-co-host of Cauet who testified, but this time with her face uncovered: Enora Malagré. Cyril Hanouna’s ex-columnist, who never attacked the host of Do not touch My TV since her departure from the program in 2017, has not hesitated to attack her first producer, whom she criticized for having forced her to embody a vulgar column, called Enora tests your boyfriendand not having informed her that this sequence was totally false and orchestrated by the programmers: “In the evening in front of the mirror, I asked myself, but what girl are you? It made me seem like a very vulgar girl, but above all I had the impression of breaking up real couples, so I felt very bad (…) A switchboard operator ended up revealing to me that it was fake listeners on the other side of the line, everything was fake. They let me live with these apprehensions and this bad image of myself, it was not very fair towards the young presenter without much experience that I was.

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