The women’s section of Tours FC finalist in a competition of the French Football Federation

The women’s section of Tours FC is one of the nine finalists in the “Sensationnelles” competition set up by the French Football Federation and its partner the Intermarché group. A few days before the start of the Women’s Football Euro in England (July 6), a jury is meeting on Monday to designate, among these nine clubs, the best sports and educational project for the development of women’s football sections. The winning club should be known in the evening and will receive an endowment of 10,000 euros over three years.

300 clubs applied, 9 applications selected

Tours FC, which has 120 licensees for seven teams, faces competition from Thonon Évian Grand Genève FC, Bandrélé (Mayotte), Saint-Memmie, Villeneuve-d’Ascq, Saint-Malo, Mitry-Mory, Montauban and Jacou Clapiers FA. This is the first time that this competition has been organised. He was asking the three hundred candidate clubs to meet three commitments:help young girls to blossom and emancipate themselves, create commitment in the regions and finally support clubs in the development of women’s football.“An endowment of equipment is planned for each of the nine finalists.

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