the very strategic silence of Laurent Wauquiez

Not a statement on pension reform: in his camp, Eric Ciotti, Olivier Marleix or Rachida Dati recently pressed him to speak, but the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region appears deliberately withdrawn.

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The name of Laurent Wauquiez reappeared on Tuesday February 22 in the news with searches that took place at the headquarters of the Auvergne-Rhône Alpes region, as part of an investigation opened by the national financial prosecutor’s office about a dinner sumptuous of just over 100,000 euros that Laurent Wauquiez would have organized at the headquarters of the region. On the side of the presidency, we say to ourselves “very serene”. Laurent Wauquiez did not react personally. Besides, he no longer speaks, he has become mute. And this silence, prolonged for months, questions the Republicans even within his party.

For what ? Because the right is torn apart over pension reform. The president of the party, Eric Ciotti, and that of the group of deputies, Olivier Marleix, wish to approve it, but they are disavowed by part of their troops led by Aurélien Pradié. And among these rebellious deputies, several are faithful to Laurent Wauquiez. However, he observes this spectacle from afar, without saying a word in an attempt to restore order. When he was elected leader of the party, Eric Ciotti nevertheless designated him as the “natural candidate” from the right in 2027. A status confirmed again this morning by a faithful of Nicolas Sarkozy, the former minister Brice Hortefeux, in the columns of Figaro (article for subscribers). And the problem for Wauquiez is that his silence fuels the bad reputation his detractors give him.

“He tries to pass between the drops”

That of not always being of great loyalty and great courage. “He tries to pass between the drops”, balance, for example, an LR leader. In favor of the principle of postponing the legal retirement age, Laurent Wauquiez does not want to endorse the unpopularity of the reform, let alone give the government a blow tomorrow.

But can one be a candidate for the Elysée without taking part in the debate on a reform of this importance? Another right-wing elected official slips that he has already made three refusals of obstacles by not appearing either in the European elections of 2019, when he was leading the party, nor in the presidential primary, nor for the presidency of the party. last fall. Eric Ciotti, Olivier Marleix or Rachida Dati recently urged him to speak, but obviously, the person concerned has no intention of hastening the pace. It must be said that he has an asset to take his time: given the calamitous state of LR, for the time being, there is not a crowd to claim to wear the colors.

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