the Vaclav-Havel prize awarded to the Russian opponent Vladimir Kara-Mourza

“It takes incredible courage in today’s Russia to oppose the power in place”, commented the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

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He was recently charged with “high treason” by Russian justice, a crime punishable by twenty years in prison or more. The 2022 Council of Europe Vaclav-Havel Human Rights Prize was awarded on Monday 10 October in Strasbourg to imprisoned Russian opponent Vladimir Kara-Mourza.

“It takes incredible courage in today’s Russia to stand up to the power in place. Vladimir Kara-Murza shows such courage from his prison cell”declared the Dutchman Tiny Kox, the president of the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe, while giving this price rewarding actions in the defense of the human rights.

Already imprisoned for criticizing the war in Ukraine unleashed by Russia, this former journalist is close to opponent Boris Nemtsov, assassinated in 2015. “By starting his brutal invasion of Ukraine, Putin also launched another war: a war on truth in our country”, reacted the imprisoned opponent in a text read in the hemicycle of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, by his wife, Evgenia Kara-Mourza. This award was dedicated to those “who could not remain silent in the face of this atrocity even at the cost of their personal freedom”.

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