the United States announces the construction of a floating port to deliver humanitarian aid


Video length: 1 min

Gaza: Hope for a truce for Ramadan dwindles

Gaza: Hope for a truce for Ramadan dwindles

(France Info)

A humanitarian port must be set up in Gaza, the United States announced. The huge temporary platform will provide more than two million meals per day.

US President Joe Bien announced the construction of a port in the middle of the sea to speed up the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. “I am ordering U.S. armed forces to conduct an emergency mission to establish a temporary port on the coast of Gaza that can accommodate large ships carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelter.”said Joe Biden.

An imminent famine

The construction of this port could last sixty days and mobilize more than a thousand American soldiers. The UN welcomed the initiative, but is concerned about the urgency of the humanitarian crisis affecting the population of Gaza. Famine is imminent and a quarter of the population is already starving, said Michael Fakrhi, United Nations special rapporteur. The establishment of a maritime corridor linking Cyprus to Gaza has been announced by the European Union. A first delivery could arrive on Sunday March 10. An emergency solution, because bombings and controls by the Israeli army are slowing down the arrival of food.

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