the United States accuses Moscow of wanting to prepare false pretext videos to attack Ukraine


France 2

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Washington claims that Moscow has prepared fake pretext videos to confuse and attack Ukraine. The journalist Camille Guttin provides details on these accusations in the 8 Hours of France 2, Friday February 4.

Emmanuel Macron will travel to Moscow (Russia) on Monday February 7 to meet President Vladimir Putin, then to Kiev on Tuesday (Ukraine) to meet with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky. Discussions which take place when the tension does not weaken: the American intelligence services affirm that Moscow has prepared false pretexts videos to sow confusion and attack Ukraine. “Russia would plan to film a fake attack on its territory carried out by the Ukrainians“, specifies thea journalist Camille Guttin from Washington (United States), for the 8 Hours of France 2, Friday February 4.

The Biden administration specifies that in this video, we would see fake bodies, fake explosions, Western weapons, but above all that the Russian intelligence services would be involved. They would have even already recruited the protagonists of this mini-film“, continues the journalist, who adds that it is “not the first time Washington has tried to expose Russia’s plans before they happen“.”Each time, Moscow denies. A month ago, Washington had claimed that the Russians had sent special agents to sabotage Ukrainian infrastructure“, explains Camille Guttin.


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